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A novel, a castle, a great conference dinner

logo-mecnaA cold winter Saturday evening, a charming bookshop, a historical novel and its writer in our informal conference dinner, could you imagine anything better?

Luis Zueco is the author of historical novels and the person in charge of the Castle of Grisel, a lovely hotel, (previously a castle) in the region of Aragon, right in an area full of heritage and well worth visiting.

He came to join us for a talk about his last novel “El Castillo” (The Castle), the story of the construction of the Castle of Loarre, one of the most beautiful castles you can visit in Spain

Vista panorámica de Loarre

It is amazing, superb, incredible to find something like this built almost one thousand years ago. The novel bring us the opportunity to think and reflect about the people who lived the adventure of the construction, the dangers, hopes, difficulties, fears and so on. We listened to Luis Zueco talk about castles in Spain, the castle in the novel and the challenge of finding the characters; especially because it is necessary consider that they have to think and behave as people one thousand years ago. Quite a complicated task!

Anyway, we were enchanted with the tale as well as with the castle.

todos subiendo a Loarre

We came to the Castle of Loarre with some of the Patrimonio Para Jovenes team some time ago, but we are going to come back again when good weather and longer days arrive.

The conference dinner was also an opportunity for networking. There were architects specialized in heritage rehabilitation, writers, historians and artists… a wonderful meeting.

Todo el grupo

Thanks a lot to Luis Zueco who wanted to come to Pamplona when I asked him about it, and thanks to Dani Rosino, the owner of the Bookshop Walden” a place built with the concept of beauty, simplicity; deep, and peaceful as a forest. Check out its web and visit the shop if you are coming to Pamplona. It is located in the city center, not far away from the famous “Plaza de Toros”.

And… by the way, El Castillo is not translated to English but in any case if you come to Spain, don’t forget to visit the Castle of Loarre, a Castle in Aragon, but with a history bound to Navarra.

See you!