
Arellano a charming village at Navarra

 sello-mec-v2-smHere we are again! The academic year 2016/17 begins and the blog continues with this entry about our visit to Arellano, which is  just a few kms. away from our last visit in Dicastillo.

Some years ago, we visited the Roman villa at Arellano, an archeological site located close to the village. And whatsmore…I remember getting into a small car accident right on the square of the village. Thank God, it was nothing very serious.

                             Almost by chance

                     It was during our visit to Dicastillo that we decided to continue to Arellano. There, we got to go into the medieval tower and enjoy the beautiful views of the landscape and the church of Arellano. The nice temperature and sun made everything easy.

If you go to Arellano, don’t forget visit this tower. It has free entrance and it was restored some years ago, so it is not dangerous to climb up to the top.

Arellano Rossi y Lucy contemplan el paisaje

                     The Church of Saint Roman. What a colors!

 Around the church there is a small, cute garden carefully watered  with some nice grass and plants. It is nice to be there, just having a friendly chat on a summer evening.  But even with this atmosphere, it is not possible to imagine the beauty that the interior of the church holds.

Alvaro de Goñi, a boy from the village opened the church for us and explained the stunning mural paintings.

Arellano, vista gernal de la nave


On the presbytery, there are remains of medieval paintings from the 14th century.

Arellano, detalle de metopa

All around the church we saw decorative paintings from the 16th century. There is also a frieze with the Magnificat prayer written and some decoration which you can also find at the Cathedral of Sigüenza,  close to Madrid but far away from Navarra.

                                  The painting altarpiece of Saint Cristobal

ARellano, San Cristóbal

The amazing painting of Saint Cristobal really attracted attention because of its size and colors. It has the curiosity of some original iconographical additions ( found only in Arellano?) . For exemple the travellers, the eagles -two of them alighted one flying) the Virgin Mary and the two caravels on the top. Check out the painting and look for this details if yo visit the church.

        The old organ is out of order nowadays but is a goosd instrument and it is just waiting for money to be restored

Arellano todos viendo el órgano


                                   But another story was coming across!

At the end of teh visit, we were climbing again, this time up the bell tower of the church, again enjoying the views , and were able to see the tower from where we were peeping out a half an hour beforehand.

But, when looking at the bells, we discovered a lady’s name written on the yoke of a small bell. “In memory of Victoriana Arizaleta ” . So, who was Victoriana?

Arellano en memora de Victoriana

After some research by Marta Castaño and Alvaro de Goñi we will know and I will report it on a new post.

See you!
















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1 Comment

  • Reply
    - Patrimonio para Jóvenes
    09/05/2017 at 06:31

    […] More curious facts: Both the parish church of San Román de Arellano, in Navarra, and the Cathedral of Sigüenza, share many decorative coincidences. I invite you to take a look to the parish of Arellano here […]

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