
The Walls of Artajona, Navarra

At the end of May we went to visit the Walls of Artajona With nice weather, we divided the activity into two parts in order to help students not only to learn, but enjoy themselves. It was based on the reading of review number 9 from the IPCE  (Institute of cultural heritage of Spain) dedicated to defensive architecture.

It is important to involve the public and provide them with feelings, emotions, and small tales that help them to improve their imagination and passion for knowledge. So that, they become the main protectors and even partners in the investigation of their past”. 


What was the fortification for? Do you think is it worth restoring walls and castles? Why? What do you think are the main problems when talking about restoration of walls? What would you do if you were the person in charge of making them known among the general public? What castles or fortifications do you know in your country or in your region? Do you think they are well advertised?

The second part was a talk about literature and a story workshop. Each one proposed a book to read close to the walls, and Marta Castaño, a Spanish philologist and librarian gave us the titles of some interesting stories for teens.
Then after a brief reading of a historical text about the walls of Artajona, the students had to write their own fictional story  based on the reading.

We had a lot of fun and also very much enjoyed the collaboration of photographers,  Spanish Clara Frago and Renée Higdon from The States .
Waiting for all of you in Spain, follow Patrimonio para Jóvenes on Facebook!

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