Esta fue la primera vez que nuestros amigos estadounidenses y canadienses veían pintura románica.De todos modos, todos nos quedamos impactados en la sala Bagüés del museo diocesano de Jaca. Si no habeis ido, no os lo podeis perder y primero podeis visitarlo a través de su web o en facebook. Aquí va el enlace a un extraordinario video Proyectado en el propio museo resulta aún mas impactante. Desde aquí sugerimos al museo que lo publique subtitulado en inglés o presente el mismo en esta lengua. Es un magnífico trabajo que merece la mayor difusión posible
La llegada al Castillo de Loarre fue heróica porque hacía un frío que pelaba. De hecho, ya veis que alguna tiene los pelos de punta..
Si en Jaca fuimos bien atendidos por Belén Luque, también en el Castillo, Carlos fue un guía estupendo. Para quien tenga interés, la página de G. Omedes sobre románico aragonés es muy completa y hay muchas fotos del castillo de Loarre. Tiene que ser toda una experiencia estar allí en un día de nieve. De momento, no nos hemos atrevido a tanto.
The Diocesan Museum of Jaca was opened in 1970 as a museum of medieval religious art. Its dual objective was to serve as a witness to the faith of the people of the diocese of Jaca and to become a focus of culture in Upper Aragon.
Its creation was the result of an ongoing series of discoveries of medieval wall paintings in churches in the diocese that began in the 1960s and continued into the following decade.These Romanesque and Gothic works were the core foundation of the museum exhibition and remain, in terms of their interest and uniqueness, among its main attractions.
In 2003 the work carried out under the MAster Plan of the Cathedral forced the closure of the museum and les to the development of a new museum project which, while respecting its foundation, aims to improve and adpat it to the needs of the twenty-first century. The reopening took place on the 9th February 2010,during a Santiago de Compostela Jubilee Year.
For information about Castillo de Loarre go to; and
The Diocesan Museum of Jaca was opened in 1970 as a museum of medieval religious art. Its dual objective was to serve as a witness to the faith of the people of the diocese of Jaca and to become a focus of culture in Upper Aragon.
Its creation was the result of an ongoing series of discoveries of medieval wall paintings in churches in the diocese that began in the 1960s and continued into the following decade.These Romanesque and Gothic works were the core foundation of the museum exhibition and remain, in terms of their interest and uniqueness, among its main attractions.
In 2003 the work carried out under the MAster Plan of the Cathedral forced the closure of the museum and les to the development of a new museum project which, while respecting its foundation, aims to improve and adpat it to the needs of the twenty-first century. The reopening took place on the 9th February 2010,during a Santiago de Compostela Jubilee Year.
For information about Castillo de Loarre go to; and
1 Comentario
29/12/2012 at 18:25Enhorabuena por la iniciativa, Pilar. Estás en la buena senda. El Patrimonio Cultural necesita que las siguientes generaciones aprendana comprenderlo, respetarlo y quererlo.
Antonio García Omedes (
Académico de la Real Academis de Nobles y Bellas Artes de San Luis.